Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring is for flowers!

Goody has learned about flowers; most of them she finds "pretty" or "cute". We can hardly walk past one without her saying "touch it". I always say yes and she does so very delicately. Such a little lady! She is always sure to mention the color of the flower as well. I hear about the purple and white crocus by our front stairs every day.

Today, I was searching online for the appropriate stitch for attaching rick rack by hand (I'm using some vintage rick rack sent from Mississippi for a work in progress, hopefully finished today and blogged asap) and I came across the amazing rick rack flowers. I've searched before about a million times for fabric flowers, but I never saw these.

The tutorial for these oh-so-springy rick rack flowers is blogged at Knick Knacks and Ric Rac , which is a behind-the-scenes blog for They do have some lovely hand made clothing in their shop. I am going to add these flowers to my impossible to-do list.

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